Mid-Term Meeting

Mid-Term Meeting

17 June 2019

Paris (France)

The PREMIUM consortium meets the European Commission on 17th-18th of June 2019 in Paris (France).

The mid-term meeting is a contractual obligation but also an opportunity to engage a fruitful and constructive dialogue between the consortium and the Research Executive Agency (REA).

Its organization during the second year of implementation, should give the consortium enough time, before the end of the first reporting period, to implement any recommendation(s) given by the REA Project Officer (PO) (e.g. drafting a contingency plan in case of under implementation, reflecting on how the consortium could ensure a more efficient communication of their action to the wider public, etc.).


Its main objective is to assess the status of the project, in general (not intended to approve the project's scientific deliverables). Moreover, the PO together with the coordinator (COO) and/or beneficiaries should identify any possible issues related to project implementation and should also try to find relevant solutions. If necessary, the PO can consult his/her superiors and provide further advice to the consortium, after the meeting.


Monday June 17th, 2019


Welcome, coffee


Opening the meeting by REA representative Irina Tiron, to clarify expectations for the meeting

Round table for introducing people: one slide per partner for a quick presentation of each institution and its role in the project


WP leaders report

General status of PREMIUM – Progress of WP implementation

  • WP objectives and associated tasks
  • Deliverables and implementation
  • Link between secondments, tasks and deliverables
  • Future implementation (keep link between secondments and deliverables)


WP2.Production characterization and screening of oligosaccharides and protected cells (WP leaders: Paula Castilho from UMa and Andrea Gomez-Zavaglia from CONICET)


WP3. Development and optimization of LAB production systems (WP leaders: Caroline Pénicaud from INRA and Pedro Simões from UC)


WP4. Elucidation of mechanisms of LAB degradation/protection (WP leaders: Marie-Hélène Ropers from INRA and Pablo Loza from ICFO)


WP5. Transfer of technology to industry (WP leaders: Peter Kilbride from Asymptote and Alberto Garach Domech from Biosearch)


WP6. Training, transfer of knowledge and networking (WP leader: Stéphanie Passot from AgroParisTech)


Coffee break


Impact (WP7 leader: Fernanda Fonseca INRA)

  • Dissemination of results and publication
  • Communication activities to reach the general public
  • Open access to research data and DMP (data management plan) by Bruno Perret DMP Management supervisor from INRA


Management (WP1 and WP8 leader: Fernanda Fonseca and Chloé Marchive INRA)

  • Financial aspects
  • Amendments / Reorientation of activities,
  • Issues related to the management and the implementation of the project (IP,  Consortium agreement amendment/ internal communication in the project)
  • PR (how open access complied with)
  • Ethics


Wine, cheese and bread party (C. Béal, E. Spinnler, AgroParisTech)

Tuesday June 18th, 2019


Secondees presentation of their contributions to WPs


Coffee break


Meeting between seconded staff and REA representative

  • Discussion of staff members in a group or bilaterally with REA
  • The team leaders do not participate


Open discussion

Conclusion summarizing the output of the network so far and recommendations for the continuation of the project by REA representative


End of the Mid-Term Meeting

Contact: changeMe@inrae.fr