Participations to Conferences

Participations to Conferences

PREMIUM’s results disseminated through communications at conferences are presented here below.




Content and link with WPs, tasks

SLTB meeting

Seville 3-4 October 2019

Kilbride, P., Hugo, A., Meneghel, Delettre, J., Romano, N.,  Morris, J.G., Gomez-Zavaglia, A. Passot, S. Fonseca, F. Fructose oligosaccharides as a novel cryoprotectants for mammalian cells.
Oral presentation


Exploring the ability of PREMIUM FOS produced by synthesis from sucrose to protect different mammalian cell: Chinese Hamster Ovarian, Jurkat (immortalized cell line) and CACO-2 (colorectal adherent) cells. Optimal concentration and FOS compositions were determined for better understanding mechanisms of cryoprotection. WP5, WP4

ISLFD 2019 – 9th International Symposium on Lyophilization of Pharmaceutials

Ghent, Belgium, 2-6 September 2019

Fonseca, F., Meneghel J., Kilbride P., Passot S., Morris G.J. Physical events during cryopreservation: consequences on cells’ post-thaw performance and on cryobiological protocols optimization.
Invited lecture. (Prof. Louis Ray award for outstanding oral presentation)

INRA, Asymptote, APT

The physical events taking place during freezing are reviewed here, focusing on the role of the physical state of the intracellular and extracellular environments in determining the response of cells to stresses encountered during cryopreservation. The implications on cryoprotectants selection, freezing rates, and controlled cooling endpoint to be set for cell storage are discussed. WP4

CRYO2019 - the 56th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology

San Diego, USA, 22-25 July 2019

Fonseca, F., Da Silva Pinto, M., Meneghel, J., Lieben, P., Passot, S., Gohon, Y., Ropers, M-H. Development of a simplified lipid model of bacterial membrane to investigate specific interactions with oligosaccharides.
Oral Presentation

INRA, APT, Asymptote

The development of a model lipid membrane is a first step for studying the interactions between LAB membranes and oligosaccharides. WP4

CRYO2019 - the 56th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology

San Diego, USA, 22-25 July 2019

Girardeau, A., Meneghel, J., Trelea, I.C., Passot, S., Fonseca, F. Complementary analytical approaches improving knowledge on lactic acid bacteria cryoresistance.
Oral presentation

INRA, APT, Asymptote

The identification of cryoresistance markers by combining two complementary FTIR approaches. WP4

CRYO2019 - the 56th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology

San Diego, USA, 22-25 July 2019

P. Kilbride, J. Meneghel, F. Fonseca, J. Morris. The critical thermal range for controlled rate cooling for mammalian cell cryopreservation.
Oral presentation

Asymptote, INRA

Exploring the critical temperature for the endpoint of the controlled-cooling phase in four different mammalian cell lines (Jurkat, HepG2, MG63 and CHO cells) through a combination of biological and physical measurements. WP4, WP5

CBL2019 Conference
Caen, 12-14 June 2019

Passot, S., Béal, C., Fonseca, F. Avancées récentes sur la production et la stabilisation de bactéries lactiques à haute fonctionnalité.
Oral presentation


Opening conference presenting a review of promising complementary approaches for improving viability and functionality recovery of LAB starters while improving the sustainability of the system, and pointing out the approaches developed in PREMIUM project. WP2-WP5

CBL2019 Conference
Caen, 12-14 June 2019

Pénicaud, C., Perret, B., Passot, S., Quentier, C., Fonseca, F. Methodological approach towards environmentally friendly processes for preserving lactic acid bacteria.
Oral presentation


Methodological approach towards environmentally friendly processes for preserving lactic acid bacteria developed in PREMIUM project. WP2, WP3, WP5

CBL2019 Conference
Caen, 12-14 June 2019

Romano, N., Mobili, P., Lieben, P., Gómez-Zavaglia, A. Monitoring the composition of fructo-oligosaccharides during transfructosylation reactions by means of infrared spectroscopy.
Poster presentation


PLS analysis carried out on the FTIR spectra corresponding to FOS obtained by synthesis. WP2

VII International conference on food science and technology 2018
Cordoba, Argentina, October 2018

Romano, N., Araujo-Andrade, C., Mobili, P., Gomez-Zavaglia, A. Physico-chemical properties of fructo-oligosaccharides and inulin explain their protective effect during dehydration and storage of lactic acid bacteria.
Invited lecture


Physical and chemical properties determination of amorphous and crystalline inulins. WP2

Manufacturing ATMPs – moving from approvable to commercial success”, by the UK Knowledge Transfer Network
London, 18 September 2018

Meneghel, J., Kilbride, P., Fonseca, F., Morris, G.J. Optimising controlled rate freezing protocols.
Poster presentation

Asymptote, INRA

Study exploring the key physical and biological events during the cryopreservation of Jurkat (human immune suspension cell line) and CHO (Chinese Hamster Ovary), from above 0°C to below -140°C. WP5, WP4

SLTB meeting
Prague, 6-7 September 2018

Meneghel, J., Kilbride, P., Fonseca, F., Morris, G.J. The Critical Thermal Range for Controlled Rate Cooling for Mammalian Cell Cryopreservation. 
Oral presentation

Asymptote, INRA

Presentation of ongoing research work on the intracellular glass transition temperature of Jurkat cells by DSC for better understanding the behavior of mammalian cells during freezing and for optimizing cryopreservation protocols of mammalian cells. WP4, WP5

SLTB meeting
Prague, 6-7 September 2018

Preserving bacteria with oligosaccharides and eco-friendly processes (PREMIUM).
Poster presentation

PREMIUM consortium

Presentation of PREMIUM project

CRYO2018: Scientific Challenges of Cryobiology
Madrid, 10-13 July 2018

Preserving bacteria with oligosaccharides and eco-friendly processes (PREMIUM).
Poster presentation

PREMIUM consortium

Presentation of PREMIUM project

In this folder

Environmental performance of new processes for the production of FOS and GOS

At the international conference LCAFood2020, Caroline Pénicaud, from INRAE, presented work related to the environmental performance of new processes for the production of fructo- and galacto-oligosaccharides (FOS and GOS).

via YouTube

At the international conference Cryo2020, Peter Kilbride, from Asymptote ltd - Cytiva, presented work in developing new fructose-based cryoprotectants for mammalian cells, as part of the project PREMIUM.


Fernanda Fonseca was invited to present a review on the physical events taking place during freezing. The review focused on the role of the physical state of the intracellular and extracellular environments in determining the response of cells to stresses encountered during cryopreservation. The implications of cryoprotectant selection, cooling rates, and controlled cooling temperature range for cell storage were also discussed. The presentation generated a high level of public interest with many questions from industrial and academic participants.